RESEP STRAWBERRY BLONDIES. Kue Praktis dan Lezat Plus Cantik...

Wait :

James Michel, CEO of Access Health, said the exchange expects the number of Covered Connecticut enrollees to jump after the current enrollment period. 

RESEP STRAWBERRY BLONDIES. Kue Praktis dan Lezat Plus Cantik...

Hai, aku bikin kue yang lagi kekinian banyak yang bikin nih kue ini 😂. Katanya enak banget jadi aku penasaran. Aku rebake resep mba @murniasri_sarifudin . Ternyata sesimple itu bikinnya dan beneran enak! Temen2 harus coba buat di rumah. Asli, gampang! Makasih mba resepnya 🙏🏻.

Resep Strawberry Blondies

by @andinkitchen

Bahan 1 :

180 gram coklat blok putih (cincang)

115 gram salted butter

Bahan 2 :

100 gram gula halus

2 butir telur

1 sdt pasta vanila

Bahan 3 :

125 gram terigu protein sedang (ayak)

Isian :

Selai strawberry siap pakai (aku pakai paletta)

Langkah :

1. Panaskan oven suhu 150 dercel api atas bawah.

2. Tim bahan 1 sambil terus diaduk hingga larut sempurna. Dinginkan suhu ruang, sisihkan.

3. Kocok bahan 2 hingga larut menggunakan hand whisker. Tidak perlu sampai mengembang. Cukup sampai larut sempurna lalu tuang bahan 1 yang sudah suhu ruang. Aduk rata kembali hingga larut.

4. Masukan tepung lalu aduk dengan spatula hingga rata, jangan over mix.

5. Tuang adonan pada kertas muffin setinggi 3/4 kertas. Lalu beri isian masing-masing 1 sdt selai strawberry.

6. Aduk berputar seperti membuat motif marble menggunakan tusuk sate.

7. Panggang pada suhu 150 dercel api atas bawah, rak paling bawah, selama 25-27 menit. Angkat lalu dinginkan suhu ruang dan sajikan.

Selamat Mencoba

“We anticipate the number will climb dramatically,” Michel said but declined to predict where enrollment figures would land. “We’re still speculating. It’s kinda tough. Only because a lot of folks who qualify, they don’t know they qualify and we don’t know who they are. So part of our job is to do the marketing and outreach that we have been doing, we continue to do to make sure that every Connecticut resident is aware of this.”
In order to qualify for the entirely free program, households would need to fall between 160% and 175% of the federal poverty level. What that means in terms of a dollar amount depends on a few factors including the size of a family and the amount of money they make. For instance, one person making between $20,416 and $22,330 meets the threshold whereas a family of eight people would need to be bringing home between $70,592 and $77,210 in order to qualify. 
