RESEP SOTO BETAWI DENGAN SUSU MELIMPAH. Gak Tanggung-tanggung susu nya sampe 1 ltr..

Wait :

 As the state health insurance exchange began its open enrollment period Monday, Access Health CT officials reported that thousands of Connecticut residents were leaving free or greatly reduced insurance plans on the table. Texchange, created by the Afforable Care Act, began its enrollment period this week for 2022 health insurance coverage. Generally, residents below certain income thresholds qualify for reduced cost insurance. But, as was the case this year, the subsidies have been boosted by the American Rescue Plan Act, which also broadened the swath of people who qualify for cheaper coverage. 

RESEP SOTO BETAWI DENGAN SUSU MELIMPAH. Gak Tanggung-tanggung susu nya sampe 1 ltr

Resep kali ini jaminan susunya terasa lebih kenceng ampe gass poool. Biar gurihnya gak kaleng2, santennya juga gak aku skip. Tapi tetep lebih dominan rasa susunya loh ya.

Resep Soto Betawi 

By @andinskitchen

Bahan :

500 gram daging sapi *masih bentuk bongkah

200 ml santan kental dari 1 butir kelapa / 200 ml santan instan

1 liter susu UHT full cream aku pake frisian flag jgn pake merk yg susunya encer2 gak bakalan enak

1 liter air untuk kuah

1 liter air untuk presto

secukupnya garam, kaldu bubuk rasa sapi, dan minyak goreng

Pelengkap :

jeruk limau


kentang kupas goreng

daun bawang iris

daun seledri iris

bawang goreng

kecap manis


acar timun dan wortel

Sambal rawit

Bumbu halus :

5 butir kemiri

15 siung bawang merah

13 siung bawang putih

1 sdt lada bubuk

1/2 sdt pala bubuk

1 sdt jintan bubuk

1 sdt ketumbar bubuk

3 cm kencur kupas

1/2 sdt kunyit bubuk

1/2 sdt kayu manis bubuk

Bumbu daun :

3 lembar daun salam

5 lembar daun jeruk

8 butir kapulaga

11 butir cengkeh

7 butir bunga lawang / pekak

3 batang serai besar *geprek

10 cm laos *geprek

5 cm jahe kupas *geprek

Langkah :

1. Pada panci presto terbuka, didihkan 1 liter air. Masukkan daging aduk rata hingga daging berubah warna seluruhnya. Tutup panci presto, masak 45 menit. Matikan api, keluarkan uap di dalam panci, baru buka panci presto. Angkat dagingnya, jgn dibuang sisa kaldu prestonya. Potong2 kecil daging lalu masukkan ke panci lain berikut sisa kuah kaldunya, sisihkan.

2. Tumis bumbu halus dan bumbu daun sampai harum dan matang. Masukkan tumisan ke panci berisi daging dan kuah kaldu. Nyalakan api, masukkan 1 liter air dan susu, didihkan sambil terus diaduk agar susu tidak pecah. Masukkan santan, garam, dan kaldu bubuk. Masak hingga mendidih dan matang sambil terus diaduk. Matangkan santan hingga tanak sempurna, tes rasa kemudian matikan api. Sajikan dgn pelengkapnya.


Selamat Mencoba

For a slice of the population who also qualify for a state assistance plan called Covered Connecticut, the combination of benefits pays for the coverage completely, meaning premiums, copays, and deductibles are all free. An estimated 40,000 Connecticut residents qualify for the free coverage. As of Monday, only 703 had enrolled, according to a spokesperson for Access Health CT. 

James Michel, CEO of Access Health, said the exchange expects the number of Covered Connecticut enrollees to jump after the current enrollment period. 

“We anticipate the number will climb dramatically,” Michel said but declined to predict where enrollment figures would land. “We’re still speculating. It’s kinda tough. Only because a lot of folks who qualify, they don’t know they qualify and we don’t know who they are. So part of our job is to do the marketing and outreach that we have been doing, we continue to do to make sure that every Connecticut resident is aware of this.”
