RESEP POTATO SALAD. Nostalgia Indah Masakan Ibu

Wait :

Have you ever looked at your child's drawing and thought wow, how did they come up with this? You've most certainly listened to their stories recounting an event that may (or may not) have happened, and you just can't help but smile. Their tales are exciting, creative and sensationalised to the max.

RESEP POTATO SALAD. Nostalgia Indah Masakan Ibu

Potato Salad adalah jalan ninjaku saat ingin sarapan yg mengenyangkan tapi ga mau makan nasi 😁

Ini bikinnya guampil surampil tergampil-gampil semudah ituuu.. anak2 juga pasti bisa bikinnya. Rasanya creamy tapi seger, aku paling suka kalo dimasukin kulkas dulu bentar, jadi makannya dingin2 


Ala @dhilasina

Ada di buku Makan Makan Club


250gr kentang (sekitar 2 buah), potong kotak, kukus

1 butir telur ayam, rebus, cincang kasar

1 lembar smoked beef, grill/kukus sebentar, iris

1 buah timun kecil, buang biji, iris tebal

Lettuce/selada (tambahan)

Bombai cincang (tambahan)

Mayonais secukupnya

Seiris lemon atau jeruk nipis, peras airnya

Garam, merica hitam sesuai selera

Kalo mau agak manis2 bisa kasih kental manis sedikit


Selamat Mencoba

So, what better way to share local experiences than through the eyes of kids. That’s why RAC Insurance has launched their 'Kid Tales' competition, inviting parents to submit drawings created by kids of their recent local adventure.
