RESEP LAYERED CHOCOLATE CAKE. Enak Cokelatnya Nempel Terus di Mulut...

Wait :

If you own a business and one adult child will take over the business. Still, other adult children are not interested or involved in the enterprise. The life insurance proceeds can provide the cash to buy out those inheritors’ business interests while leaving the business intact. Blended family systems can also benefit from life insurance payouts to ensure that all children receive an inheritance, not just the children of the last surviving spouse.

RESEP LAYERED CHOCOLATE CAKE. Enak Cokelatnya Nempel Terus di Mulut...

Chocolate lovers mana suaranya?? Hai… kali ini Hel buat layered chocolate cake, cake coklat dengan filling coklat, penggemar coklat wajib coba.

Layered chocolate cake

By @cookingwithhel

Loyang 24x33cm (saya pakai loyang bawaannya oven mito, karena dasarnya tidak rata, banyak bagian pinggiran yg saya buang)

Bahan filling coklat

- whipped cream cair 150ml

- dark cooking chocolate 150gr, cincang

- butter 15gr

Bahan cake chocolate

- kuning telur 4 butir

- pasta vanilla 1 sdt

- gula 20gr

- susu fullcream 60ml

- minyak sayur 35ml

- terigu protein rendah / sedang 60gr

- coklat bubuk 15gr

- baking powder ½ sdt

Bahan meringue

- putih telur 4 butir

- gula 60gr

Cara buat

- filling coklat: panaskan whipped cream hingga simmering, begitu terlihat mendidih pinggirannya langsung matikan api, siram ke dcc, aduk hingga dcc meleleh, tambahkan butter, aduk rata. Setelah tidak panas dinginkan di kulkas semalaman. Hasil akan seperti selai coklat, aduk2 dulu supaya lembut sebelum dipakai

- campur kuning telur, vanila, gula, susu, dan minyak, aduk rata menggunakan whisk, masukan terigu, coklat bubuk, dan baking powder sambil diayak, aduk rata, sisihkan

- kocok putih telur hingga berbusa, masukan gula bertahap, mixer terus hingga soft peak. Campur ke adonan kuning bertahap, aduk menggunakan teknik aduk lipat/ aduk balik

- tuang ke loyang yang sudah dialasi kertas roti

- oven suhu 170 celcius 15 menit atau hingga matang, oven sudah dipanaskan sebelumnya

- bagi cake jadi 3 bagian, oles dengan filling coklat, lalu tumpuk dengan cake lainnya

- hias dan potong sesuai selera


 Selamat Mencoba

Life insurance should be a part of your family estate plan. It can increase the wealth your heirs inherit and provide a ready source of cash for immediate financial obligations after your death. Which form of life insurance best suits your needs will depend on your age and situation. 

To speak with your estate planning attorney about how to use life insurance as an effective tool in your estate planning, please contact us to schedule a meeting. We are here to help.
