RESEP KUE LEKKER. Krispy di luar lembut di dalam...

Wait :

“If you’re not sure, apply anyway. Most people are shocked at how affordable their insurance becomes,” Michel said. “People just assume that they’re not going to qualify. I assure you, if you are within certain income levels, put it in. It may cost you 20, 30 minutes of your time but you may qualify for some heavy subsidies.”
Michel said Access Health CT also anticipates an influx of people who have left their jobs in the past year and may have lost their health care coverage in the process. Anyone who finds themselves without income can expect to qualify for heavily subsidized coverage, he said. 

RESEP KUE LEKKER. Krispy di luar lembut di dalam...

kali ini Hel buat cemilan super praktis buat keluarga, namanya crepes / kue lekker. Crepes ini dimakan kosongan aja enak, apalagi kalo diberi isian meses / keju / pisang / selai. Buat yang suka tekstur krispi cetaknya harus tipis ya, kalo kurang tipis sebentar aja akan lembek tapi tetap enak ini cocok buat yang suka tekstur lembek. Kalo buatnya tipis saya test sampai 8 jam bentuk crepes nya masih kokoh tapi tidak sekrispi saat baru dimasak.

Crepes / kue lekker

By @cookingwithhel

Hasil sekitar 30 pcs tergantung ukuran crepes


- terigu protein sedang 1 sdm (10gr)

- tepung beras 10 sdm (100gr)

- tepung maizena 4 sdm (40gr)

- gula 6 sdm (90gr)

- baking soda setengah sdt

- garam setengah sdt

- telur 1 butir

- susu 1 gelas (220ml)

Isian : meses / keju / pisang / selai

Cara buat:

- campur semua bahan, aduk rata lalu saring

- panaskan frypan

- tuang secukupnya adonan lalu ratakan dengan bantuan sendok sayur dengan gerakan memutar dari arah dalam keluar. Usahakan buat setipis dan serata mungkin kalo mau hasilnya crispy.

- beri topping sesuai selera lalu lipat

- sajikan


 Selamat Mencoba

The open enrollment period began Monday and will continue until Jan. 15. Customers wishing to be covered on Jan. 1 must enroll by Dec. 15. Anyone who signs up between Dec. 16 and Jan. 15 will have coverage that begins on Feb. 1. 
“Apply, apply, apply,” Michel said. “Health insurance is more affordable today than it was 10 years ago, five years ago. Please, do not assume it’s too expensive for you because there’s subsidies available for you and your family.”
