Hai.. kali ini Hel buat jajanan pasar kue nona manis, teksturnya lembut dengan perpaduan manis pandan dan gurih santan, enak banget, teman2 wajib coba.
Di resep ini Hel pakai santan asli, untuk santan kental teman2 bisa buat dari kelapa parut dan air dengan perbandingan 1:1 (misal kelapa parut 550gr jadi airnya 550ml), untuk santan encer nya Hel pakai dari bekas kelapa parut tadi dicampur lagi dengan air.
Nona manis
By @cookingwithhel
Hasil 12 pcs cetakan talam besar dan 10 pcs cetakan talam kecil
Bahan A
- daun pandan 8 lembar
- santan encer 200 ml
- gula 50gr
- maizena 30gr
- garam ½ sdt
Bahan B
- gula 100gr
- telur 1 butir
- terigu protein sedang 150gr
- santan kental 250ml
Bahan C
- santan kental 300ml
- terigu protein sedang 30gr
- garam ½ sdt
Cara buat bisa dilihat di video
Persiapan santan
- kelapa parut sekitar 600gr (1,5 butir)
- air 550ml
- air 200ml
❤️ Campur kelapa parut dan air 550ml, remas2 supaya sari santannya keluar, lalu saring sampai dapat 550ml santan kental, ini untuk digunakan di bahan B dan C
❤️ Bekas kelapa parut tadi campur dengan 200ml air, remas2 dan saring sampai dapat 200ml santan, untuk digunakan di bahan A
Selamat Mencoba
When using an ILIT, whether or not you are married, use the second to die, survivorship policy, or are single and have an individual policy must be considered. Choosing between variations of permanent life insurance for your ILIT, such as whole standard life, universal life, and variable life insurance, can be confusing, and your estate planning attorney can guide you to your best option.
If you own a business and one adult child will take over the business. Still, other adult children are not interested or involved in the enterprise. The life insurance proceeds can provide the cash to buy out those inheritors’ business interests while leaving the business intact. Blended family systems can also benefit from life insurance payouts to ensure that all children receive an inheritance, not just the children of the last surviving spouse.
Life insurance should be a part of your family estate plan. It can increase the wealth your heirs inherit and provide a ready source of cash for immediate financial obligations after your death. Which form of life insurance best suits your needs will depend on your age and situation.
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