Wait :

As the state health insurance exchange began its open enrollment period Monday, Access Health CT officials reported that thousands of Connecticut residents were leaving free or greatly reduced insurance plans on the table. 
The exchange, created by the Affordable Care Act, began its enrollment period this week for 2022 health insurance coverage. Generally, residents below certain income thresholds qualify for reduced cost insurance. But, as was the case this year, the subsidies have been boosted by the American Rescue Plan Act, which also broadened the swath of people who qualify for cheaper coverage. 
For a slice of the population who also qualify for a state assistance plan called Covered Connecticut, the combination of benefits pays for the coverage completely, meaning premiums, copays, and deductibles are all free. An estimated 40,000 Connecticut residents qualify for the free coverage. As of Monday, only 703 had enrolled, according to a spokesperson for Access Health CT. 
James Michel, CEO of Access Health, said the exchange expects the number of Covered Connecticut enrollees to jump after the current enrollment period. 


Ya ampun baking aja gak bisa kok ya sotoy banget modiv2. Dan aku gak pernah baking yang hasilnya mulus. Maapin ya temen2 postingan ini banyak kekurangan 🥴. Ya maklum aja masih belajar dari dasar sumur . .

Hasil : 14 pcs

Bahan adonan donat :

300 gram tepung cakra

30 gram gula pasir

10 gram susu bubuk full cream

1/4 sdt garam

5 gram ragi instan

30 gram butter

Campur pada mangkok (kocok rata) :

1 butir telur + susu UHT full cream dingin sehingga total susu dan telur bila ditimbang 215 gram

Bahan butter cream :

200 gram butter

165 gram icing sugar

2 sdt pasta moca kualitas bagus

Topping :

Selai coklat


Langkah donat :

1. Pada wadah mixer dengan mata mixer dough, campur tepung, susu bubuk, gula, dan ragi. Aduk rata, lalu masukkan campuran telur dan susu cair secara bertahap sambil terus dimixer. Kemudian, masukkan garam lalu masukkan butter. Mixer terus sampai kalis elastis. Matikan mixer.

2. Angkat wadah mixer lalu tutup dengan serbet basah. Diamkan 1 jam.

3. Buka serbet lalu kempeskan adonan, lumuri tangan dengan terigu. Bagi adonan masing2 40 gram. Bentuk bulat lalu tutup dengan serbet 20 menit.

4. Panaskan minyak banyak pakai api kecil. Rapikan bentuk donat secara perlahan. Lalu goreng donat hingga matang, minyak jangan terlalu panas saat donat masuk. Nanti cepat coklat tua warnanya dan dalamnya belum matang. Tiriskan, dinginkan suhu ruang.

Langkah butter cream :

Pada wadah mixer gunakan mata creaming, campur jadi satu semua bahan butter cream lalu kocok hingga mengembang dan kaku. .

Penyelesaian :

Lubangi donat dengan sumpit dan sedotan besar. Semprot butter cream ke dalamnya (gunakan piping bag). Oles atau celup donat pada selai coklat. Celup lagi / taburi dengan meises. Sajikan.


Selamat Mencoba

“We anticipate the number will climb dramatically,” Michel said but declined to predict where enrollment figures would land. “We’re still speculating. It’s kinda tough. Only because a lot of folks who qualify, they don’t know they qualify and we don’t know who they are. So part of our job is to do the marketing and outreach that we have been doing, we continue to do to make sure that every Connecticut resident is aware of this.”

In order to qualify for the entirely free program, households would need to fall between 160% and 175% of the federal poverty level. What that means in terms of a dollar amount depends on a few factors including the size of a family and the amount of money they make. For instance, one person making between $20,416 and $22,330 meets the threshold whereas a family of eight people would need to be bringing home between $70,592 and $77,210 in order to qualify. 

Anyone who is not sure whether they qualify can visit to check. Even those who do not meet the requirements for the Covered Connecticut program may find they qualify for more extensive savings than they would have guessed, Michel said. Many customers who did not meet the threshold for assistance in prior years may now be entitled to subsidies. The American Rescue Plan waived a policy that had capped subsidies at 400% of the federal poverty level. 
