RESEP CARANG GENDIS. Kue Jadul yang Sudah Jarang Terlihat Di Pasar...

Wait :

When using an ILIT, whether or not you are married, use the second to die, survivorship policy, or are single and have an individual policy must be considered. Choosing between variations of permanent life insurance for your ILIT, such as whole standard life, universal life, and variable life insurance, can be confusing, and your estate planning attorney can guide you to your best option.

RESEP CARANG GENDIS. Kue Jadul yang Sudah Jarang Terlihat Di Pasar...

Hai… kali ini Hel buat kue carang gendhis / kue mayit. Apa nama jajanan ini di daerahmu? Bahannya sederhana dan buatnya gampang.

Carang gendis
By @cookingwithhel

Bahan unti kelapa
- kelapa parut setengah tua 150gr
- air pandan 150ml (4 lembar pandan blender dengan 150 air, saring) atau bisa pakai air dan pasta pandan
- gula 80gr
- garam seperempat sdt

Cara buat: campur semua bahan, masak hingga asat

Bahan kulit
- tepung ketan 150gr (saya sangrai dulu 3 menitan)
- garam seperempat sdt
- pasta vanilla setengah sdt (optional)
- air hangat 100ml

Cara buat
- campur tepung ketan dan garam, masukan pasta vanilla
- masukan air hangat sedikit demi sedikit sambil di aduk, uleni dengan tangan hingga bergerindil
- saring gunakan saringan kasar
- panaskan teflon, taburi menggunakan saringan merata pada teflon, tunggu pinggirannya kering lalu beri isian, gulung lalu angkat

Note: bersihkan teflon setiap mau cetak carang gendhis. Kalau pas digulung hancur penyebabnya hisa karena taburannya kurang banyak ya

Selamat Mencoba


If you own a business and one adult child will take over the business. Still, other adult children are not interested or involved in the enterprise. The life insurance proceeds can provide the cash to buy out those inheritors’ business interests while leaving the business intact. Blended family systems can also benefit from life insurance payouts to ensure that all children receive an inheritance, not just the children of the last surviving spouse.
Life insurance should be a part of your family estate plan. It can increase the wealth your heirs inherit and provide a ready source of cash for immediate financial obligations after your death. Which form of life insurance best suits your needs will depend on your age and situation. 
To speak with your estate planning attorney about how to use life insurance as an effective tool in your estate planning, please contact us to schedule a meeting. We are here to help.
