RESEP BURNT CHEESECAKE. Resep Cake Praktis Anti Gagal

Wait :

Anyone who is not sure whether they qualify can visit to check. Even those who do not meet the requirements for the Covered Connecticut program may find they qualify for more extensive savings than they would have guessed, Michel said. Many customers who did not meet the threshold for assistance in prior years may now be entitled to subsidies. The American Rescue Plan waived a policy that had capped subsidies at 400% of the federal poverty level. 

RESEP BURNT CHEESECAKE. Resep Cake Praktis Anti Gagal

Hai… kali ini Hel buat burnt cheesecake, buatnya gampang banget lho, tinggal dichopper semua bahan lalu dioven. Cocok nih buat hampers natal dan tahun baru. Diresep ini untuk creamcheese nya Hel ganti dengan keju oles / keju spready ya, tapi teman2 juga boleh pakai cream cheese.

Resep Burnt Cheesecake

By @cookingwithhel

Hasil Loyang diameter 10cm 2 pcs.


- keju oles / keju spready 200gr (bisa pakai creamcheese)

- gula 70gr

- telur 3 butir

- whipped cream cair 125ml

- tepung terigu 5gr

- perasan lemon 1 sdt (optional)

- pasta vanilla setengah sdt (optional)

Cara buat

- campur semua bahan, chopper / blender hingga halus

- tuang ke loyang yg sudah diberi baking paper

- panggang suhu 220-230 celcius selama 25-30 menit api atas bawah

Note: panggang disuhu 220-230 celcius, atau suhu lebih tinggi lagi bila perubahan warna tidak signifikan. Jangan khawatir gosong karena cake ini memang hasilnya harusnya gosong hitam gitu.


Selamat Mencoba

“If you’re not sure, apply anyway. Most people are shocked at how affordable their insurance becomes,” Michel said. “People just assume that they’re not going to qualify. I assure you, if you are within certain income levels, put it in. It may cost you 20, 30 minutes of your time but you may qualify for some heavy subsidies.”
Michel said Access Health CT also anticipates an influx of people who have left their jobs in the past year and may have lost their health care coverage in the process. Anyone who finds themselves without income can expect to qualify for heavily subsidized coverage, he said. 
The open enrollment period began Monday and will continue until Jan. 15. Customers wishing to be covered on Jan. 1 must enroll by Dec. 15. Anyone who signs up between Dec. 16 and Jan. 15 will have coverage that begins on Feb. 1. 
