RESEP BRULEE BOMB. Eeenaaak Banget! Apa Lagi dimakan Dingin-dingin Yummy!

Wait :

At first thought, life insurance may not seem to have a bearing on how to dispose of your assets in your estate plan. However, life insurance can be an integral, indispensably important part of a well-thought-out estate plan. There are numerous other benefits to owning a life insurance policy aside from providing a large sum of money to beneficiaries.
Do not underestimate the importance of having cash funds immediately available in an uncomplicated way. Often the passing of a loved one or family member comes with a string of expenses that often exceed cost expectations. Much of what Americans have resides in investments like 401ks, IRAs, housing, and other illiquid assets with very little cash on hand. Life insurance proceeds protect families from having to force the sale of these assets at unfavorable tax rates. Some inheritable assets come with immediate payment requirements. Homes not fully paid off, cars, and the like can leave families with short-term liabilities requiring cash.
It is possible to gift an existing life insurance policy to your ILIT. Unfortunately, if you were to die within three years of making the gift, the policy amount can be included in your estate for tax purposes due to a rule known as a “lookback period.” In effect, this isn’t making the policy proceeds taxable, but it adds the policy proceeds amount to the total value of the estate, in turn making it part of your estate subject to taxes. As federal estate tax exemption amounts frequently change, it is prudent to fund your ILIT by purchasing a new policy. Doing so will avoid the possibility of a lookback period.

RESEP BRULEE BOMB. Eeenaaak Banget! Apa Lagi dimakan Dingin-dingin Yummy!

Hai… kali ini Hel buat brulee bomb keju lumer, ini enak banget apalagi pakai keju quick melt dari @keju_prochiz yang lumer mirip mozarela, rasanya premium, milky, dan gurih. 

Brulee bomb

By @cookingwithhel

Hasil 16 pcs, tergantung besar kecil


- margarin 2 sdm

- bawang putih 2 siung, cincang

- bawang bombay 1 bj (ukuran kecil), cincang

- garam seperempat sdt

- lada setengah sdt

- kaldu bubuk setengah sdt

- gula setengah sdt

- sosis 8 bj (saya pakai sosis ukuran kecil), potong dadu kecil

- terigu protein sedang 50gr

- susu 250ml

- keju Prochiz quick melt parut 50gr


- keju Prochiz quick melt potong dadu

Bahan baluran

- tepung terigu protein secukupnya

- telur 1 butir kocok lepas

- tepung roti secukupnya

Cara buat

- lelehkan margarin, lalu tumis bawang putih dan bombay hingga wangi

- masukkan garam, lada, kaldu, gula

- masukkan sosis, aduk rata

- masukkan tepung, aduk rata

- masukkan susu bertahap sambil diaduk, masak hingga mengental

- masukan keju, aduk rata, masak hingga adonan tampak padat dan mudah di bentuk

- tunggu dingin baru dibentuk bulat2, beri isian keju melted bila suka

- balur ke terigu, lalu ke telur, lalu tepung roti

- masukkan freezer min 30 menit sebelum di goreng, atau bisa simpan langsung buat stok frozen food tahan 2 mingguan

- goreng di minyak yg panas hingga golden brown

Selamat Mencoba


When using an ILIT, whether or not you are married, use the second to die, survivorship policy, or are single and have an individual policy must be considered. Choosing between variations of permanent life insurance for your ILIT, such as whole standard life, universal life, and variable life insurance, can be confusing, and your estate planning attorney can guide you to your best option.

If you own a business and one adult child will take over the business. Still, other adult children are not interested or involved in the enterprise. The life insurance proceeds can provide the cash to buy out those inheritors’ business interests while leaving the business intact. Blended family systems can also benefit from life insurance payouts to ensure that all children receive an inheritance, not just the children of the last surviving spouse.

Life insurance should be a part of your family estate plan. It can increase the wealth your heirs inherit and provide a ready source of cash for immediate financial obligations after your death. Which form of life insurance best suits your needs will depend on your age and situation. 

To speak with your estate planning attorney about how to use life insurance as an effective tool in your estate planning, please contact us to schedule a meeting. We are here to help.
