As the state health insurance exchange began its open enrollment period Monday, Access Health CT officials reported that thousands of Connecticut residents were leaving free or greatly reduced insurance plans on the table.
Halo temen2, ini resep ayam bakar madu yang sudah sering aku posting tapi baru kali ini aku buat videonya yaa. Sebetulnya videonya udah lama aku buat. Aku buat pas di palopo tp baru sempat posting soalnya sibuk pindahan. Oh ya itu ada salah ketik daun jeruk sama daun salamnya urutannya terbalik tp aku yakin temen2 di sini udah ngertilah ya.
Bahan :
1,5 ekor ayam ukuran sedang *potong sesuai selera
600 ml air
Bahan 2 :
200 ml santan kara
9 sdm kecap manis bango
2 sdm gula aren sisir
Secukupnya garam
Secukupnya royco kaldu bubuk rasa sapi
6 sdm madurasa boleh original boleh rasa nipis
4 buah jeruk limau ukuran besar *ambil airnya (sesuaikan selera asam masing2, harus tercium bau jeruknya, tuang sedikit2 dulu sampai mendapatkan rasa yg pas di lidah Anda)
Bumbu halus :
20 siung bawang merah
15 siung bawang putih
8 butir kemiri
1,5 sdt ketumbar bubuk
1,5 sdt lada bubuk
Bumbu daun :
10 cm jahe *geprek
3 batang serai *geprek
5 lembar daun salam
8 lembar daun jeruk
Langkah :
1. Tumis bumbu halus dan bumbu daun hingg harum dan matang. Masukan air lalu didihkan.
2. Masukan ayam dan bahan 2 lalu masak hingga ayam matang sempurna. Koreksi rasanya dan masak lagi hingga ayam betul betul empuk, bumbu meresap, dan kuah rebusan mengental menghitam. Matikan api.
3. Bakar ayam di atas bara api atau grill pan sesuai selera kematangan. .
Note : sisa bumbu rebusannya bisa disimpan di freezer untuk merebus ayam mentah 1x lagi. Tambahkan air saat merebus dan perbaiki rasanya bila ada yg kurang sedikit.
Selamat Mencoba
The exchange, created by the Affordable Care Act, began its enrollment period this week for 2022 health insurance coverage. Generally, residents below certain income thresholds qualify for reduced cost insurance. But, as was the case this year, the subsidies have been boosted by the American Rescue Plan Act, which also broadened the swath of people who qualify for cheaper coverage.
For a slice of the population who also qualify for a state assistance plan called Covered Connecticut, the combination of benefits pays for the coverage completely, meaning premiums, copays, and deductibles are all free. An estimated 40,000 Connecticut residents qualify for the free coverage. As of Monday, only 703 had enrolled, according to a spokesperson for Access Health CT.
James Michel, CEO of Access Health, said the exchange expects the number of Covered Connecticut enrollees to jump after the current enrollment period.
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