Fruit Salad Cake

Wait :

This cake has a biscuit base, crowned with a mix of yoghurt and double cream, and masses and plenty of fruit. this changed into every other test. i like a whipped up mix of lemon juice, cream, mint, and stem ginger in syrup. you can depart it to set sort of mousse-like. i clearly like it.

A fruit salad recipe in iciness even though? just doesn’t seem quite proper. so i used to be wondering making a few form of cake. and perhaps having the whipped yoghurt cream as a topping. so have the fruit baked within the cake after which sparkling on pinnacle.


  • 8 ginger cookies (I used Lidl's Just Free Ginger Cookies - they're gluten-free)
  • 150g pecan nuts
  • 55g butter
  • stem ginger in syrup
  • bunch of fresh mint, leaves of 4 stem 5 stems, chopped as thinly as possible
  • teaspoon vanilla bean paste
  • 229 ml double cream
  • 5 tablespoons whole natural yoghurt
  • 1 mango, chopped
  • passion fruit, seeds
  • 150g raspberries
  • 2 red kiwis
  • 1/2 pomegranate, seeds
  • 150g blueberries
  • 1/2 small sweet melon, flesh diced


  1. Whip the double cream in a large bowl until it has just thickened. Whip in 4 tablespoons of the yoghurt. Add in 2 tablespoons of ginger syrup and two grated lumps of the stem ginger. Add in the mint and the vanilla bean paste. Stir in well. Taste. If it isn't sharp enough whip in another tablespoon of the yoghurt. If it's not sweet enough you could add some more ginger syrup, but remember the base and fruit will be quite sweet already. Cover the bowl with cling film and place in the fridge.
  2. Turn the oven on to 180 C. Add the pecans and biscuits into a mixer and mix till they are a crumby consistency. Melt the butter and stir this into the mix until it's well combined. Taste. I added in a little cinnamon at this point. Pat the mixture into a 20cm tin and bake it for 10 - 15 minutes. Take out and allow to cool completely.
  3. Once the base is cooled completely, spread the yoghurt-cream mix over the base. Then top with the fruit. Grate over some more stem ginger and spoon a little of the syrup over the fruit.
  4. Leave in the fridge for at least 2 hours before serving.
